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Conifer Ridge Subdivision; Washington County, Oregon Page 12

Declaration of Protective Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions August 31, 1994



7.04 Approval of Plans by Architectural Control Committee. No building or structure, including mailboxes, signage, addressing front entry walls and fences, swimming pools, animal runs and storage units shall be commenced, erected placed or altered on any Lot until the construction plans and specifications, and a plan showing the nature, shape, height, materials and colors, exterior lighting, grading, landscaping and tree removal, together with detailed plans showing the proposed location of the same on the particular building site have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Committee. All plans and specification for approval by the Committee must be submitted at least fifteen (15) days prior to submittal for building permit, or fifteen (15) days prior to starting construction, if no permit is required.


7.05 Nonwaiver. Consent by the Committee to any matter proposed to it and within its jurisdiction under these provisions or any other person or persons owning any real property embraced within the plat, at its or their option, shall have full power and authority to prosecute any proceedings at law or in equity against the person or persons violating or attempting to violate any of the said covenants, either to attempting to violate any of the said covenants, either to prevent the doing of such or to recover damages sustained by reason of such violation. Should the Association employ counsel to enforce any of these covenants, conditions or restrictions, by reason of such violation, all costs incurred in such enforcement, including a reasonable fee for counsel, shall be paid by the Owner of such Lot or Lots and the Association shall have a lien upon such Lot or Lots to secure payment of all such accounts.







8.01 Maintenance in Neat and Attractive Manner Responsibility of Owner. The structures and grounds of each Lot shall be maintained in a neat and attractive manner. Upon the Owner’s failure to do so, the Board of Directors may, at its option, after giving the Owner thirty (30) days written notice sent to his last known address have the grass, weeds and vegetation cut when and as often as is necessary in its judgement and have dead trees, shrubs and plants removed from any Lot.


8.02 Authorization for Association to Make Repairs. Upon the Owner's failure to maintain the exterior of any structure in good repair and appearance, the Board of Directors may, at its option, after giving the Owner three (3) months written notice, make repairs and improve the appearance in a reasonable and workmanlike manner.


8.03 Assessments of Costs. The costs of such maintenance referred to in Section 1 and 2 of this Article shall be assessed against the Lot upon which such maintenance is done and shall be a special assessment to which such Lot is subject under Article V hereof. Payment for any work performed pursuant to this Article shall be due on presentation to the Owner, either in person or by regular mail, of the Association's invoice thereof.

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